Monday, May 12, 2008
unit 7 #1 life changing post
Change is one of the unstoppable forces of nature, everything is always changing. change brings forth new era's and new ways of thought. if it wasn't for change, people would still be living in caves. "people only change after something bad happens" That's totally true, we wouldn't know that we need to change until its too late. in life there is no yellow light, it goes from green to red. with change there is always that turning point or the climax in which we finally realized that it is indeed time for a change. :)
Monday, April 14, 2008
unit 6 as. # 5 "is the US nosy?"
At the turn of the 20th century the United States grew rapidly in power. Trade is one of the main ways that we got so rich, but with trade comes alliances with other countries. Now America is concerned with other countries affairs. We Care! I believe that we should not get into other countries affairs unless they ask for help, even then we should decide if its fair. Because we are so effin powerful we need to think about how other countries feel about us. They either hate us because we are stupid rich americans or they want to be under our wing of democracy. In WWII we totally didnt care about what was going on until we were attacked. That was just shady, in that instance we needed to step in and crush hitler, but we totally waited until it became our problem.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Unit 6 As#1 when should you get involved?
Someones business is a very personal thing, I mean its that persons business. I cant say that I have never tried to get into any one's business, because if I did then I would be lying. But after getting in a few arguments with others I try to just mind my own. even if my intentions were good it still was not my business. If someone wants your help they will totally ask for it and that it. its really that simple.
unit 5 as # 5 acrostic defination
Monday, March 24, 2008
unit 5 #1 "the richest people in our country"
The richest man in our country is by no competition, Bill Gates. Bill Gates earned his money fair and square, he is a computer genius. I totally envy him, he was a Harvard dropout and still is worth about $93.1 Billion dollars. Bill Gates is the father of Microsoft, the man practically created computers. He totally work for all the money that he has acquired. Him and Paul Allen can sit there and build a computer from complete scratch. Bill Gates has enough money to where he can totally enjoy it, but he does a lot of charity work as well, actually this school is funded by bill gates, the computer that I am typing on was given to me by Bill Gates. That man is the Jam-splatsta as far as I'm concerned.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Unit 2 #7 When is breaking the law justified?
Through out history, there are many governments and rulers that have done their people wrong. Most of the time the citizens of the corrupt countries could not to anything about it, That's what makes the American revolution so special. The colonists told Britain that they were not going to take it anymore. When is breaking the law justified? When the government is not up holding its citizens natural rights.
John Locks ideas on liberalism greatly influenced the political minds behind the revolution. His theory of the "social contract" implied the natural right of people to overthrow their government, should those leaders betray the historic rights of Englishmen. The colonists were getting tired of the empire and its rules and regulations, The Navigation Acts and The Stamp Acts and The Townshed acts were not fair at all. There was no way we were going to be a British cash crop forever. The colonies formed the Continental Congress as a provisional national government. We fought back at lexington and we declared our Independence. The British were not going to give up with out a fight, so war was declared. We fought really hard and with the help of the french, We WON. with the signing of the Treaty of Paris the British gave us all land west of the Mississippi.
The U.S. government has come along way since the American revolution, but the ideas of the revolution have greatly influenced our government. Now government wrongdoings are known as scandals. Just recently the government operated Police force has been accused of using unneeded violent force even if the suspect is not violent or resistant towards the officer. One officer broke a woman's cheekbone while hitting the suspect, he did not face any discipline for his crime. six months after the woman was hurt, witnesses said the same cop kicked a man in the face as he was trying to surrender. Once again the officer was not disciplined.
After a P-I Investigation was conducted they found out that the Seattle police force had not disciplined any officers for unnecessary force in over 18 months. During this time there was over 161 complaints of force. This raises the question of "Is the department more interested in protecting officers from being held accountable for their actions, or protect their citizens from harm?" Well legally, It is not the officers job to protect you. Their job is to uphold the law. There was a federal Law suit. The girl that had broken her cheekbone got her money, but there was still no discipline of the officer. The chief never issued a final disciplinary act.
So when is breaking the law justified? When the government does not uphold its citizens natural rights. weather its because of taxation with out representation or unnecessary force, when your governments is mistreating you, you have the right to stand up and say "We are not going to take this."
Monday, February 25, 2008
Unit 4 As. # 1 "Fights"
Um, One time my so called friend named Kelly. She was trying to date one of my ex's, He was my first real boyfriend so naturally I was pissed. I asked her not to date him and she still did, so I stopped talking to her, I didnt want to fight. Kevin (my ex) pretty much made kelly hate me, she thought that she would never compare to me. Kelly even had the nerve to break in my myspace and wrote on my page that i was a whore and just alot of immature stuff. I continued to not speak to her, she was acting like a child. eventually her and kevin broke up and kelly apoligized. I never really forgave her
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Unit3 As#1 "Growing up"
Growing up is life, and naturally life is both exciting and painful, Both are unavoidable. when people get older they assume new and diffrent responisibilitys. They learn new things, go through hard times, and gain an opinion on how things should work. Growing up is life.
Monday, February 11, 2008
unit 2 As# 6 Boston tea party reflection post
The Boston Tea Party, although an act of agression was carried out quite peacefully. Everyting was planned and carried out with army like precision. No one was hurt in this process and only a single lock was broken. The only thing damaged was the tea throwing over 300 boxes from 3 diffrent ships. the colonists dressed up as indians, (which i presonally find funny).
The colonists were just simply tired of england using them for its profit. and something need to change.
The Boston Tea Party, although an act of agression was carried out quite peacefully. Everyting was planned and carried out with army like precision. No one was hurt in this process and only a single lock was broken. The only thing damaged was the tea throwing over 300 boxes from 3 diffrent ships. the colonists dressed up as indians, (which i presonally find funny).
The colonists were just simply tired of england using them for its profit. and something need to change.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Unit2 #2 Vocab
Stamp Act-
Boston Massacre-
Intolerable Acts-
Thomas Jefferson-
Declaration of Independence-
Charles Cornwallis-
George Washington-
Treaty of Paris-
Articles of Confederation-
Shay's Rebellion-
Checks and balances-
Bill of Rights-
Anti federalist-
Boston Massacre-
Intolerable Acts-
Thomas Jefferson-
Declaration of Independence-
Charles Cornwallis-
George Washington-
Treaty of Paris-
Articles of Confederation-
Shay's Rebellion-
Checks and balances-
Bill of Rights-
Anti federalist-
Unit2 #1 "Breaking the Law"
- To create a single "Voice" for all Americans
- To make it seem like we are civilized.
- To keep the man down.
- To unite the country.
- To keep everyone in order.
I would love to join a revolution, nowadays it wouldnt do any thing but still i would totally join.
Unit one #7 "A well ordered family"
Benjamin Wadsworth, A Well-Ordered Family(Boston, 1712).
The passage was about Marriage In the colonies, How to treat your spouse. It talked about how you should love your husband/wife indefinitly. If they wernt young or beautiful enough it shouldnt matter you should still love them.
The part that surprised me the most was the paragraph about how the husband should govern the wife, for it was his job. his government should be gentle and paitent, and the wife's obedience ready and cheerful."The husband is the head of the woman. It belongs to the head to rule and govern. Wives are part of the house and family, and ought to be under the husband's government"
From then to now, Of course life is diffrent. I consider this to be a silly question.
The passage was about Marriage In the colonies, How to treat your spouse. It talked about how you should love your husband/wife indefinitly. If they wernt young or beautiful enough it shouldnt matter you should still love them.
The part that surprised me the most was the paragraph about how the husband should govern the wife, for it was his job. his government should be gentle and paitent, and the wife's obedience ready and cheerful."The husband is the head of the woman. It belongs to the head to rule and govern. Wives are part of the house and family, and ought to be under the husband's government"
From then to now, Of course life is diffrent. I consider this to be a silly question.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
week 1 vocab
Assignment 2: 4 Part Vocabulary Assignment and Vocabulary Quiz
Complete a four part definition (1. the definition 2. supporting fact 3. interesting fact 4. visual) for each of the following terms associated with this unit: Jamestown, Indentured Servant, House of Burgesses, Puritan, Anne Hutchinson, Metacom, Mercantilism, Cash crop, Triangular trade, Middle Passage
* This should be typed. Place finished vocabulary assignment in Mrs. Siegmund's drop box and notify Mrs. Siegmund after you have completed this task to get points for completing the assignment. Put graded work in the vocabulary section of your notebook. You will take a vocabulary quiz after you have turned in your vocabulary assignment. 40 possible points for vocabulary assignment, and 10 possible points for the quiz.
Jamestown: The first British settlement in America.
-Located in Virginia, settled on May 14 1607
-In 1619 wemon were litarily shipped in to make new wives for the men.

Indentured servant:is a person under a contract of a employer for some period of time, usually seven years, in exchange for such things as ship's passage, food, and living space.
-The tobacco cash crop was farmed by Indentured servants in the 17th and 18th centuries.
-Many people signed contracts of indenture to get to the Americas.

House of Burgesses: the first elected legislative assembly in the New World established in Virginia in 1619
-it represented the entire legisitve body of the Colony of Virginia
-the first meeting was September 30 1619, but was cut short by an outbreak of malaria

Puritan: People that rejected the reformation in the church of england.
-puritans led to the founding of our churches today.
-they led the largest publishing sales for childrens books.

Anne Hutchinson- (July1591-august 1643) was an unauthurized puritan leader, that taught bible lessons to men wemon and children.
- she started to teach more than what she was sopposed to, putting her own thoughts into her speaches.
-she was banished from the town, on her was to new york she and her family was killed by indians posing as a peace tribe.

Metacom-king Philip
-was a war chief or sachem of the Wampanoag Indians and their leader in King Philip's War.
- He became a chief in 1662
- Hunted by a group of rangers lead by Captain Benjamin Church, he was fatally shot by Praying Indian John Alderman, on August 12, 1676

An economic theory that preceded the modern concept of a market economy regulated by the forces of supply and demand.
-To supply the old world with new raw material.
-it was actually kinda crappy for the colonists.

Cash crop-is a crop which is grown for money.
-Money for the Mother country.
-Usually tobacco and indigo.
Triangular trade- New world to England and Africa.
-carried goods to the old world,
-and slaves to the New World.

Middle Passage- the ship ride that the slaves took from africa to america.
-They were kept in horrible conditions.
-the slaves out numbered the crew 300 to 30.

Assignment #1
Assignment 1: Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Write a paragraph response to the following questions to get you thinking about this unit. This will be your first blog post
1. What motivates immigrants to come to the United States (today)? Consider what they lose and what they can gain in your argument.
2. Thousands of Europeans chose to move to the British colonies. Some for economic reasons and some for freedoms. If you decided to immigrate somewhere, would you move for economic reasons or for freedom?
* Write your response as a blog post. Be sure that your response addresses both questions above and is a minimum of 6-8 sentences. Use proper grammar, capitalization, etc. Give your post an appropriate title. After you publish your post, notify Mrs. Siegmund so she can grade it and award your points. *20 possible points.
America is known as the place that anyone can succeed in life, where anyone and everyone is equal. Sometimes referred to as "The Melting Pot" America is known for its diversity. In a way we are all Immigrants. People flock to the U.S. seeking freedom and to escape economic depression, people will leave there family and friends just to come here. I have no clue what its like to live in a country in which I have no voice in. I am truly lucky that I was born an American citizen. If I was in a position that made me want to leave my country of origin, I would probably move to Canada. I like there health care system a lot.
Write a paragraph response to the following questions to get you thinking about this unit. This will be your first blog post
1. What motivates immigrants to come to the United States (today)? Consider what they lose and what they can gain in your argument.
2. Thousands of Europeans chose to move to the British colonies. Some for economic reasons and some for freedoms. If you decided to immigrate somewhere, would you move for economic reasons or for freedom?
* Write your response as a blog post. Be sure that your response addresses both questions above and is a minimum of 6-8 sentences. Use proper grammar, capitalization, etc. Give your post an appropriate title. After you publish your post, notify Mrs. Siegmund so she can grade it and award your points. *20 possible points.
America is known as the place that anyone can succeed in life, where anyone and everyone is equal. Sometimes referred to as "The Melting Pot" America is known for its diversity. In a way we are all Immigrants. People flock to the U.S. seeking freedom and to escape economic depression, people will leave there family and friends just to come here. I have no clue what its like to live in a country in which I have no voice in. I am truly lucky that I was born an American citizen. If I was in a position that made me want to leave my country of origin, I would probably move to Canada. I like there health care system a lot.
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