Assignment 2: 4 Part Vocabulary Assignment and Vocabulary Quiz
Complete a four part definition (1. the definition 2. supporting fact 3. interesting fact 4. visual) for each of the following terms associated with this unit: Jamestown, Indentured Servant, House of Burgesses, Puritan, Anne Hutchinson, Metacom, Mercantilism, Cash crop, Triangular trade, Middle Passage
* This should be typed. Place finished vocabulary assignment in Mrs. Siegmund's drop box and notify Mrs. Siegmund after you have completed this task to get points for completing the assignment. Put graded work in the vocabulary section of your notebook. You will take a vocabulary quiz after you have turned in your vocabulary assignment. 40 possible points for vocabulary assignment, and 10 possible points for the quiz.
Jamestown: The first British settlement in America.
-Located in Virginia, settled on May 14 1607
-In 1619 wemon were litarily shipped in to make new wives for the men.

Indentured servant:is a person under a contract of a employer for some period of time, usually seven years, in exchange for such things as ship's passage, food, and living space.
-The tobacco cash crop was farmed by Indentured servants in the 17th and 18th centuries.
-Many people signed contracts of indenture to get to the Americas.

House of Burgesses: the first elected legislative assembly in the New World established in Virginia in 1619
-it represented the entire legisitve body of the Colony of Virginia
-the first meeting was September 30 1619, but was cut short by an outbreak of malaria

Puritan: People that rejected the reformation in the church of england.
-puritans led to the founding of our churches today.
-they led the largest publishing sales for childrens books.

Anne Hutchinson- (July1591-august 1643) was an unauthurized puritan leader, that taught bible lessons to men wemon and children.
- she started to teach more than what she was sopposed to, putting her own thoughts into her speaches.
-she was banished from the town, on her was to new york she and her family was killed by indians posing as a peace tribe.

Metacom-king Philip
-was a war chief or sachem of the Wampanoag Indians and their leader in King Philip's War.
- He became a chief in 1662
- Hunted by a group of rangers lead by Captain Benjamin Church, he was fatally shot by Praying Indian John Alderman, on August 12, 1676

An economic theory that preceded the modern concept of a market economy regulated by the forces of supply and demand.
-To supply the old world with new raw material.
-it was actually kinda crappy for the colonists.

Cash crop-is a crop which is grown for money.
-Money for the Mother country.
-Usually tobacco and indigo.
Triangular trade- New world to England and Africa.
-carried goods to the old world,
-and slaves to the New World.

Middle Passage- the ship ride that the slaves took from africa to america.
-They were kept in horrible conditions.
-the slaves out numbered the crew 300 to 30.

You're still working on this, right? What you've done is good by the way!
Well done. I like reading your words.
40/40 points.
(sorry this assignment was a pain on blogger. I would do it using Word next time to save time and energy)
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