Monday, March 24, 2008

unit 5 #1 "the richest people in our country"

The richest man in our country is by no competition, Bill Gates. Bill Gates earned his money fair and square, he is a computer genius. I totally envy him, he was a Harvard dropout and still is worth about $93.1 Billion dollars. Bill Gates is the father of Microsoft, the man practically created computers. He totally work for all the money that he has acquired. Him and Paul Allen can sit there and build a computer from complete scratch. Bill Gates has enough money to where he can totally enjoy it, but he does a lot of charity work as well, actually this school is funded by bill gates, the computer that I am typing on was given to me by Bill Gates. That man is the Jam-splatsta as far as I'm concerned.

1 comment:

carrie said...

I agree that Bill Gates is a heck of a guy, and he uses his money for good causes as well. Our school received an initial grant from his foundation to get started, but the district has assumed the costs thereafter. Thoughtful response. What about the other rich folks in our country?

Thoughtful and thorough, but needs editing. As is you earned 18/20 points